
Roer's Zoofari, Vienna VA

Clearly a great and interactive time at Roer's Zoofari (formerly Reston Zoo)

Ka'anapali Beach Hotel, Maui

New Ocean Art by Lindsay Ahart

Click Here to check out the full Ocean Art Collection

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From Fish Eyes #63
Colors of Paddles #65

At the Dock #64

Rays of Light #62

Looking Up #61

Colors of Hawaii #60

Sails on Mission Bay #59

Bike to Paradise #58

Sunset #54

Girls Paddle #53

Riding Hard #52

Hanalei Bay #51

Paradise Found#50

Golden Sun #49

Kauai Culture #45

Colors of Maui #44

Resort Colors #42

Walking Through Paradise #40

Newport Harbor #31

Sails of RI #32

Colors of Newport #33

Races in Annapolis #34

On the Chesapeake #35

Mooring #36

On Mission Bay #37

Perfection #38

Racing #39

Kids Go Fast

New Children Book! Dolly Bakes Me Cookies

Click Here to Buy the paperback book Dolly Bakes Me Cookies! 
Dolly, the sweet dog, saves the day by baking cookies and helping a young girl make new friends!
Or Click Here to Buy The eBOOK


Lena's Pizza in Alexandria is amazing!!! I took 4 children there (yes a little pricey) but all the kids had at least seconds!  Everyone loved the pizza for different reasons.  I love the sauce.  The fresh garlic and basil are delicious!  We tried the pepperoni pizza and wasn't disappointed!  This place is worth checking out.  It's right by the Braddock metro stop.  The decor is very modern and posh and there is a trendy outside fire pit and bar.  It's a great find with great food!

Check out what's trending!

Contact: Calisia Cox-Humphries, email: ph: 321.525.5412

Looking for a fun and quirky way to celebrate the uncelebrated? Wanting to throw a non-traditional party theme centered on life’s taboo topics?

Introducing the GooCloo party packs, a total party bundle completely assembled and creatively crafted party packs that are perfect for a party, or life-changing celebration. Borne from a passion for providing a positive, engaging, and hysterical approaches to some of life’s harder struggles, like beating cancer or a breakup, the GooCloo party packs this week officially launched a Kickstarter campaign for garnering widespread support and financial backing to produce the first round of funny-as-hell party packs.

“We think that any excuse is a good excuse for a party – especially when the end goal is positivity through fun and friendship,” said Calisia Cox-Humphries, Founder and Creator of the GooCloo party packs. “GooCloo party packs are the ultimate way to celebrate some of life’s harder topics, while also experiencing an event unlike any other before.”

The GooCloo party packs currently come in six different themes: We Never Liked Him Anyway, I Love My BFF, I’m Me, Cancer Free, Empty Nester, and I Got Crabs. All party themes are designed to either provide relief and positive support for the hosts, or just plain fun for a weeknight gathering.

Each pack comes with (1) quality vinyl banner, (2) artsy foil balloons, (10) cups, (10) plates, (20) napkins, (10) forks, and (1) table cover. 

“Life is short; it’s important to have fun and celebrate the typically uncelebrated,” said Cox-Humphries. “Whether it’s an unexpected job firing, unfortunate health news, or just wanting to party it up, the GooCloo party packs can help. Spread the word on the availability of our Kickstarter campaign, and help us make non-traditional partying the new norm.”

High quality moving boxes for wholesale prices!!!!

Http:// We sell high quality moving packages and supplies at wholesale prices with free shipping and delivery with every order.

A SEO Writer!!!
A professional writer with 10 years under my belt, currently writing articles for a major newspaper company in Toronto. I will write you a 400 word SEO optimized article of ANY TOPIC. Your article will be unique and on any topic you would like. All you have to do is give me the topic or (Keyword) and I will customize a 400 word SEO optimized piece of art from scratch.

If you are looking to add articles to your website or blog then this gig is for you. Enough with buying back links as in this day in age Content Is KING. Get yours done now here:

The Pink Envelope, subscription box : with this youtube video
Boxes are the new thing!  This is a jewelry rental box.  Very cool!
Spiralized Julienne Vegetable Slicer, Great Kitchen Tool for Salads, Pastas and includes FREE cleaning brush & recipies 
by Caliber Products 

This multi-blade vegetable slicer makes tossing up a salad fun and easy. It's sturdy design comes with stainless steel handles, and 8 steel blades that allow for the slicing of vegetables like carrots, pickles, cucumbers, potatoes, apples, beets, sweet potatoes etc in seconds! This product has appeared on all kinds of cooking shows and blogs. This spiral slicer makes for a great gift, and also the perfect addition to your own personal collection of kitchen gadgets. ~~~ Along with your purchase comes a FREE cleaning brush which is pictured. Its 2016 and everyone wants to get healthy for their new years resolution, this product makes it easier to do so. Put it to good use by slicing up some vegetables for your daily salad and veggies. ~~~ THIS PRODUCT COMES WITH A LIFETIME WARRANTY. IF IT EVER BREAKS JUST SEND IT BACK TO US AND WELL SHIP YOU A NEW ONE!

Ben's Baby Product Reviews!
This site is sooooo worth checking out!  Awesome product reviews, and find out what really doesn't work!

Best Weight Loss Supplement With 100% Pure Forskolin Extract-250mg, All Natural Dietary Pills For Belly Fat Burning-Men & Women Top Health Tablets-60 Standardized To 40% Capsules-Made In USA

product link:

Magician Review!
Check out before you hire Bobby the Magician!
Save $$$$ Money on children entertainment!!!

New Writing App
Creative Writing - Tarinoit The Awesome story writing app
See more information at

Second Times A Charm

 Is the second time really a charm?  It can be! 
With just a little bit of love and attention, I can bring any old or new piece back to life.  I became inspired a few years back when I chalk painted a simple kitchen table and transferred it into a unique, one-of-a-kind piece.  Soon after I painted every piece of furniture in my house. My husband thought I was obsessed! I didn't care because it looked amazing and each piece had just the right amount of "shabbiness".  Not too long after I started taking on various projects for clients - and the rest is now history.  For more information please visit my Facebook page, Second Time's a Charm

Happy painting, 